Tested successfully in Lion but failed in modern macOS versions (worked in Catalina and higher as long as ~"/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/" was otherwise empty). Replace ~"/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb" with backup copy of same. abbu extension to backup copy of ~"/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/" then double click to import (tested successfully in modern macOS versions similar to above method, but might make importing recovered data simpler for end users). Replace ~"/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/" folder with backup copy of same (tested successfully in High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, and Monterey). ( UPDATE: Michael Tsai reports that this method does not work in Monterey further, he shared that Time Machine restores in apps other than Finder have not worked for him since around Mojave.) Method 2 Note that the "Browse Other Backup Disks." option accessed by Option-clicking the Time Machine menu bar icon really means "Browse Other Backup Disks for the current device". Open Contacts.app then "Enter Time Machine" from menu bar icon to restore ( H/T).

Contacts.app needs to be closed before attempting all methods but the first. Back up, back up, back up and understand what you are doing. No consideration is given here to iCloud Contacts sync (though thermo2's 20-step procedure is reproduced below without prejudice).

Or any other backup of ~"/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/". Restore macOS Contacts from Time Machine backup # Restore macOS Contacts from Time Machine backup